Xero Tip of the Month – Leave Improvements

Some recent improvements to handling leave in Xero will help make the experience better for everyone. Some of these changes could affect your existing leave requests.








Here’s what you‘ll find in the latest update:

  • Employees can submit a leave request for a partial day.
  • Leave approvers can view leave balances before approving or creating an employee’s leave request.
  • Payroll administrators now have a single tab under Payroll to manage and view approvals and completed leave requests.
  • Setting up leave is much simpler – leave accruals and opening balances can be set up directly under the employee leave tab.
  • Leave requests are automatically included within the applicable pay runs so you don’t need to schedule anything.
  • The employee app now includes a team management tab. Employees who are authorised to approve leave can now separate out their own leave requests from those of their team members.

Changes in how you process leave

These updates mean a slight change to the way you process leave.

  • Leave accruals and leave opening balances are now only available under the leave tab for the employee.
  • You can restrict employee leave requests to only the types assigned to them. They can still request unpaid leave without assigning a leave type.

Actioning existing leave requests

With the recent updates your existing leave data will be automatically migrated, but you may need to review and take action on some existing leave requests.

Here’s what will happen and what action you may need to take. Existing leave requests:

  • with Scheduled status will be shown as approved.
  • that are approved will go back to requested status – make sure you action these leave requests again.
  • with New status will be removed – these requests will need to be submitted or deleted.

For full details on how to manage your employee’s leave from setting it up, to requesting and approving leave and creating leave-related reports Click Here

Janenne Poulter – Client Services Manager