There is no denying it, we live in a digital world. It is good practice, whether as an individual or a business, to regularly look at how you are….
Do I need to be registered for GST?
When you decide to start a new business you firstly need to register for an Australian Business Number (ABN) then you need to work out….
Business Structures: Why Choosing The Right Type Matters
Often we see business owners who are directing focus to business operations and they haven’t stopped to reflect if their existing business….
Do I get taxed more on my second job?
The simple answer is No. When completing you tax return you will get taxed on all income you have earned during the year. This can include….
Claiming a tax deduction for motor vehicle expenses
Did you know you can claim a tax deduction on a secondhand car…even if it’s financed? A financed second hand car is treated exactly the same….
Employing casual employees?
If you employ casual employees, then these changes affect you and they start on 24 August 2024. The changes include how casual work is defined….
Importance of myGovID
myGovID is the Australian Government’s Digital Identity app which allows you to prove who you are when accessing government online services.
Do you own a rental property in your SMSF?
To ensure you limit your exposure for closer scrutiny by the ATO, its important to follow the fundamentals in your property asset valuations. Each year….
Thinking of Hiring Working Holiday Makers?
Before you employ working holiday makers, make sure you are aware of the specific requirements by the ATO when it comes to registering….
2024-25 Budget Easing the Cost of Living
As you may be aware the 2024/25 budget was published this month and one of the main focuses was easing the pressure of the cost of living.