Perfect Foundations

At Initiative we use an analogy called the Game of Money to describe the different stages of a person’s financial life. It’s the story we tell people to help take away their fear around dealing with money, and to make money less complicated.

Most people say they want to be financially successful, but the sad reality is that 90% fail. One of the reasons they fail is that money can seem such a complicated concept.

For the Game of Money, imagine a baseball diamond with First, Second, Third and Home Bases.

When most people start out their financial lives they have no direction, no plan and no strategy. We all start here, and some people stay here for the rest of their lives. They never get off the batting plate.  Our aim as advisers is to get them off the batting plate and to take action and move to First Base, where we can build strong financial foundations before going to the next base.

For those who are committed to achieving wealth in the long term you need to ensure you have the PERFECT Foundations.


Perfect Foundations is suitable for those who fit most of the following:

  • Are committed to financial success
  • Own a home or are on the way to having a deposit
  • Have an ability to save $150 + per week
  • Have less than $300,000 in net assets (excluding home)
  • Have combined incomes of between $70k to $250k
  • Have more than 10 years to retirement


Generally these clients will have a small start-up balance of $200,000 or less in nest-egg assets, not including the family home and are typically who:

  • want some direction to help reach their financial goals
  • are ready to make smart decisions about money
  • care about their family
  • care about the future, and
  • are motivated to take action.


P E R F E C T stands for:

  • Protect your family – Have adequate protection in the event of adversity
  • Estate plan in order – Have up to date Wills and Powers of Attorney in place
  • Really smart Super – Have you Superannuation invested to achieve your long term goals
  • Foundation support service and team – Let us help you get connected to the correct specialists
  • Effective debt management – Any debt?, We can help you structure debt repayments
  • Cashflow under control – Having a budget can help identify opportunities for investment
  • Tax under control – We can help you save tax

Stuart Long – Associate Adviser