How implementing cyber security measures can help your business

As small businesses increasingly rely on the internet to do business, it is crucial to ensure you have effective cyber security measures in place to form protection against vicious cyber-attacks.

Some of the basic measures you can implement to mitigate cyber risks include:

Secure your accounts

  • Use strong and secure passwords or passphrases (including numbers and symbols)
  • Regularly change passwords and avoid sharing them
  • Turn on multi-factor authentication wherever possible
  • Ensure each user can only access what they need for their role

Back up your information

  • Use cloud backup services, an external storage device or a combination of both
  • Also secure your backups by disconnecting when not performing a backup
  • Regularly try to restore your backups to test if they are working properly

Update your software

  • Turn on automatic updates for your devices and software
  • Set up security software to run regular anti-virus and malware scans

Do not leave your information unattended

  • Configure devices to automatically lock after a short time of inactivity (e.g 10 minutes)
  • Securely store portable storage devices (e.g thumb and hard drives) when not in use

Remove system access

Immediately remove access to systems for staff who:

  • No longer work for your business
  • Have changed positions and do not require access anymore

Avoid using USBs or external hard drives from unfamiliar sources

  • They may contain malware that can infect your business computers without you noticing

Educate your staff

  • Raise cybersecurity awareness through a formal course or internal training and this should be done periodically
  • Encourage them to visit and work through the modules and quizzes
  • Have emergency response steps in place in the unfortunate events of ransomware attack

Some useful links

Educational Pack For Small Businesses:

Cyber Security Assessment Tool:



May Aung