Objecting ATO Decisions


If the ATO makes a decision that you don’t agree with then you may be eligible for make an objection or appeal. This can be in the case of if you disagree with the way they have interpreted the law, if you are uncertain with your own interpretation of the law or if you want the option of seeling an external review if the ATO does not agree with you. Some of the decisions you can dispute include, notices of assessment; ABN, FBT, or GST decisions or shortfall penalties.

However, if you receive a decision from the ATO you would like to dispute it is recommended to do so as soon as possible as there are time limits to be able to object the decision. This time frame can range from anywhere from 60 days to 4 years so it is best to dispute any decisions as soon as possible. Once the ATO have received your objection it can take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks to review your decision and either pass judgement or ask for more information so it is important to give them as much information when you lodge your objection.

If you disagree with an ATO decision and need assistance in lodging an objection please call our office on 07 5437 8888.

Sheridan Wilson (Accountant)